FAQ’s About Upgrading to Mitel Connect
When do I need to upgrade to Mitel Connect?
Mitel has announced the end of life for ShoreTel 14.2 in September 2020. You should have your ShoreTel/Mitel system upgraded by September 2020.
Do I need to have a current Mitel Support Contract to upgrade to Mitel Connect?
The only way to get the license to upgrade to Mitel Connect is to have a current Mitel Support Contract.
Do I have to pay for the license to upgrade to Mitel Connect.
As long as you are under a current Mitel Support Contract and your licenses are in compliance the upgrade to Mitel Connect is included for free with your Mitel Support Contract.
Is my ShoreTel hardware supported by Mitel Connect?
Most, but not all ShoreTel hardware is supported by Mitel Connect. The following switches were End of Life December 31, 2017 and do not support Mitel Connect. If your system currently includes any of these Switches you will need to replace them before you upgrade. These switches represent about 5% of the switches currently in the field.
The following Mitel Switches are NOT supported by Mitel Connect:
◦ SG40
◦ SG60
◦ SG120
◦ SG-T1 (the model SG-T1K, however, is Supported)
◦ SG-E1
Do I need to upgrade my version of Windows Server to support Mitel Connect?
Mitel Connect runs on Windows Server 2008, 2012 and 2016.
Does the ShoreTel SBE Server (Small Business Edition Server) Support Connect?
We do not recommend trying to upgrade SBE Servers. Instead we recommend you migrate your SBE Server to a physical or VMware Server.
Does Mitel Connect Support VMware and HyperV?
Mitel Connect Servers can run on VMware and HyperV
Which Versions of Microsoft Server are Supported for Mitel Connect:
Servers running on Microsoft Server 2008 until Microsoft Server 2016 support Mitel Connect
Should I upgrade my Windows 2008 Server for Connect?
It is not necessary to upgrade Windows 2008 Server to run Mitel Connect. However, Microsoft discontinued support for Windows 2008. This means they are not publishing security updates. So, running a Mitel Connect Server on Windows Server 2008 could expose your network. For this reason we recommend migrating your server to a Windows Server 2012 or 2016.
Can I migrate my ShoreTel System directly from a Windows 2008 Server to a Windows 2016 Server?
No, it is necessary to make a “stop” on the way from Windows 2008 Server at Windows 2012 “on the way”. In this regard upgrading from a Windows 2008 to a Windows 2016 server is a lot like two upgrades – on from Windows 2008 to Windows 2012 and one from Windows 2012 to Windows 2016.
Do I need to upgrade my ShoreTel or Mitel firmware to upgrade my system to Mitel Connect?
The firmware upgrades are accomplished as part of the software upgrade.
Is the physical Mitel Collaboration Appliance supported by Mitel Connect?
Yes, the Collaboration Appliance is supported by Mitel Connect
Is the physical Mitel Mobility Appliance supported by Mitel Connect?
Yes, the Mobility Appliance is supported by Mitel Connect